After so long not updating my i shud do dat!
Hey, guess what..i fall in love again!!! baby so cute, manje, comel and she so care of me. V know each other via Facebook. When 1st time i view her profile, i just smile, n talk to my slef.." u r so beautiful". Then, adding her, n wait for approval. She give +ve feedback, v have our 1st date!!..kekkee:)
Our 1`st date was at Mid Valley, watching Narnia. V went for lunch before that.n my 1st lesson was..she like japanese food!.ok..:), me too. we have lunch at Pappa Rich after kene "halau" from sushi king. biasala..when some stuff bodoh x bagi sit becouse we just 2..cibai betol!!..( no more sushi king @ mid!!)
Our movie time was so nice. the room was so cold n v just wearing short pent. she hold my hand n hug me. am shock but i like! :P..heee..after muvie..v off to EKEA for dinner. having my feveret dish..MEETBOL!..lesson no 2: she didnt eat beef.:ok.i bought chiken leg+spagety for u..:)
Time after time..kami jumpa makin kerap. BUT, i feel uncmfrtable. She like eating @ so mahal2..pasta, friday..haiszz..never eat for 100 bugs for 2 person..
i pernah ajak dia pergi pasar malam..but she don wan..: Lesson no 3: she hate HOT and CROWDED!!..hello..ko ingat ko canthek???!!huhu
Secara jujurnya..saya x tahu bila saya betul2 jatuh cinta kepada dia. kami makin rapat, tapi perasaan cinta tu, saya x tahu bila ianya hadir. saya cukup terharu when everytime she back KL, she will infom me.!!..i feel like am the man..:)..owh lupa..she was MAS STEWARDESS..:)
Saya tahu..kami banyak perbezaan, cara hidup, background..even..dia tu cina. tapi saya percaya, kami mempunyai perasaan yang sama..iaitu kami mencintai sama lain. saya harus berterus terang..beberapa isu, pendapat, dan ideologi kami masih berbeza..tapi kami cuba untuk menjadikan perbezaan itu satu perkara yang boleh kami bicangkan. for example..saya ada bertanya kepada dia. kenapa awak x suka ambil pic saya, atau pic bersama? n why there is no single my pic or our pic on ur fb?? u like snap pic, then uploading into Crason, ugly bird, ur clik, ur car, ur LV..dan banyak lagi..but y not me?? . yea..its a simple thing..but it give huge impact. sometime i think maybe u shy becouse am not handsome guy..or..u x nak everyone know 'bout our relationship..o..u dont wan ur page beome not popular when u show my face..o..u have other else.?? i don ask u do upload ovious pic show we r couple..but..atleast a normal u and other fren..:(
its a life,,wat ever happen..i realy love u.last wekend was the best wekend together. u gave more than i need. great game!..hehhee..i like when u can eat stall food, diner wif mamak mee goreng.i like kesederhanaan..:)
baby..abang sayang baby sangat2..after 5 month v know each other,..i wan propose u (formally) my wife..but i need time. when u ready upload my pic @ ur fb, when u can stop viewing G-romeo..i think..u ready to become my wife..
i love u..wif full of my